Important Questions with Answers

Province: All Provinces (CHANGE)
S.N. Question Answer

What should you do if you are driving in a parking lot and see a car with its brake lights on?

(A) Maintain your speed and proceed with caution. (B) Slow down and be prepared to stop if the car in front of you backs up or brakes suddenly (C) Honk your horn to get the driver's attention. (D) Ignore the brake lights and continue driving.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if the car in front of you backs up or brakes suddenly

What is the meaning of a flashing red octagonal beacon on a school bus ?

(A) The bus is stopped and children may be getting on or off, stop completely and yield to pedestrians. (B) The bus is preparing to turn right, proceed with caution. (C) School buses with flashing red lights are not used in Ontario. (D) You can proceed at the posted speed limit.
The bus is stopped and children may be getting on or off, stop completely and yield to pedestrians.

What should you do if you are driving on a two-lane road with a car stopped in the right lane to turn right?

(A) Slow down and prepare to stop if the turning vehicle needs more space. (B) Swerve into the oncoming lane to pass the stopped car. (C) Honk your horn to signal your impatience. (D) Maintain your speed and proceed as usual.
Slow down and prepare to stop if the turning vehicle needs more space.

How can one parallel park in the best way?

(A) Turn your steering wheel sharply and back into the parking space quickly. (B) Use a slow and controlled approach, checking your mirrors and blind spots frequently. (C) Get out of your car several times to check the distance between your car and the curb. (D) Park at an angle instead of attempting to parallel park.
Use a slow and controlled approach, checking your mirrors and blind spots frequently.

What should you do if you are driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a construction zone ahead?

(A) Maintain your speed and proceed with caution. (B) Slow down and be prepared for lane changes or merging traffic. (C) Increase your following distance and be alert for workers or stopped vehicles. (D) Change lanes to avoid the construction zone.
Slow down and be prepared for lane changes or merging traffic.

What should you never do in the blind spot of a large truck on a multilane highway?

(A) Use your turn signal to indicate your intention to change lanes. (B) Briefly check your blind spot before changing lanes. (C) Maintain a safe following distance to avoid sudden braking. (D) Stay directly behind the truck for long periods to avoid wind resistance.
Maintain a safe following distance to avoid sudden braking.

What does a pedestrian crossing the street with a white cane indicate?

(A) The pedestrian is walking with a group of friends. (B) The pedestrian is visually impaired. (C) The pedestrian is carrying a large object. (D) The pedestrian is requesting a ride.
The pedestrian is visually impaired.

How should you adjust your following distance while you are driving behind a car towing a trailer?

(A) Maintain the same following distance as you would for a car. (B) Increase your following distance to account for the longer stopping distance of the vehicle with a trailer. (C) Decrease your following distance slightly to improve visibility. (D) Honk your horn frequently to remind the driver you are behind them.
Increase your following distance to account for the longer stopping distance of the vehicle with a trailer.

What should you do if you miss your turn on a one-way street with a lane marked for turning left only?

(A) Stop suddenly in the turning lane and signal for a U-turn. (B) Continue through the intersection and make a U-turn at the next safe opportunity. (C) Swerve into another lane to avoid missing your turn. (D) Pull over to the side of the road and wait for traffic to clear before making a U-turn.
Continue through the intersection and make a U-turn at the next safe opportunity.

What is the meaning a sign with a picture of a school zone and a downward pointing arrow ?

(A) School children may be crossing in this area, slow down and be prepared to stop. (B) The speed limit is reduced in this school zone. (C) School zones with downward arrows are not used in Ontario. (D) You only need to yield to pedestrians if they are already in the crosswalk.
School children may be crossing in this area, slow down and be prepared to stop.

What should you do you are driving on a multi-lane highway and a car in the lane next to you is signaling to change lanes?

(A) Maintain your speed and don't adjust your position. (B) Slow down slightly and check your blind spot before changing lanes yourself. (C) Speed up to close the gap and prevent them from merging. (D) Increase your following distance to allow them space to merge safely.
Increase your following distance to allow them space to merge safely.

What should you do if you are driving behind a school bus with its flashing yellow lights on and the stop sign extended?

(A) Continue driving at the same speed, but prepare to slow down if the bus stops completely. (B) Stop completely and wait for the stop sign to be retracted and the yellow lights to turn off before proceeding. (C) Slow down but don't stop completely, and proceed with caution if no children are crossing. (D) Honk your horn to alert the bus driver you are ready to pass.
Stop completely and wait for the stop sign to be retracted and the yellow lights to turn off before proceeding.

What is the most secure way to change lanes on a two-lane road with a turning lane in the center?

(A) Don't use your signal and change lanes quickly when there's a gap in the turning lane. (B) Check your mirrors and blind spots, then signal your intention to change lanes and wait for a safe gap in both lanes of traffic. (C) Flash your headlights several times to signal your intention to change lanes. (D) Rely solely on your mirrors to check for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors and blind spots, then signal your intention to change lanes and wait for a safe gap in both lanes of traffic.

What is the meaning of a sign with a white rectangle and a black diagonal line with a downward slope typically ?

(A) Warning sign, indicating a potential hazard ahead (yield). (B) Regulatory sign, informing drivers of speed limits or parking restrictions. (C) Guide sign, providing directions to specific locations. (D) Information sign, offering helpful information for drivers.
Warning sign, indicating a potential hazard ahead (yield).

What should you do if you see a car parked on the side of the road with its engine running and hazard lights flashing. ?

(A) Ignore the car and continue driving at the same speed. (B) Slow down slightly and be prepared to change lanes if there's debris or a hazard on the shoulder. (C) Stop next to the car to offer assistance (unless trained to do so). (D) Flash your headlights to warn other drivers of a potential hazard.
Slow down slightly and be prepared to change lanes if there's debris or a hazard on the shoulder.

How can one avoid car sickness as a passenger ?

(A) Read a book or focus on your phone screen. (B) Sit in the front seat and focus on a fixed point outside the car, like the horizon. (C) Look out the window frequently and try to sleep. (D) Open a window for fresh air and avoid eating a heavy meal before traveling.
Sit in the front seat and focus on a fixed point outside the car, like the horizon.

What should you increase to maintain safe stopping distances while driving in winter conditions with snow on the road. ?

(A) Your following distance from the car in front of you. (B) Your speed to melt the snow around your tires. (C) The number of lane changes you make. (D) The volume of your music to stay alert.
Your following distance from the car in front of you.

What is the meaning of a flashing red light on a railway crossing signal mean?

(A) A train is approaching and you must stop completely. (B) You can proceed with caution if no train is visible. (C) The railway crossing signal is malfunctioning. (D) There is a pedestrian crossing the tracks ahead.
A train is approaching and you must stop completely.

What should you do if you are stopped at a red light with a car in the turning lane next to you and the light turns green, and the car in the turning lane signals right to turn in front of you?

(A) Honk your horn and proceed straight through the intersection. (B) Yield to the turning car and allow them to complete their turn safely before proceeding. (C) Speed up to prevent them from turning in front of you. (D) Ignore the turn signal and proceed straight through the intersection if it's safe.
Yield to the turning car and allow them to complete their turn safely before proceeding.

What is the meaning of a blue pentagon-shaped sign with a white symbol , compared to a red octagonal sign?

(A) Both are regulatory signs informing drivers of rules (speed limits, parking). (B) Warning signs (blue) indicate potential hazards, while regulatory signs (red) enforce rules. (C) Guide signs (blue) provide directions, while regulatory signs (red) enforce rules. (D) Information signs (blue) offer helpful information, while regulatory signs (red) enforce rules.
Warning signs (blue) indicate potential hazards, while regulatory signs (red) enforce rules.

What is the meaning of a school zone with flashing red lights and a crossing guard mean?

(A) Children may be crossing the street with the crossing guard, come to a complete stop and yield to pedestrians. (B) The speed limit is reduced in this school zone, proceed with caution. (C) School zones with crossing guards do not use flashing red lights. (D) You only need to yield to pedestrians if they are already in the crosswalk.
Children may be crossing the street with the crossing guard, come to a complete stop and yield to pedestrians.

What should you do if you are driving on a multi-lane highway and see a sign with a picture of a construction zone ahead and a lane closed symbol?

(A) Maintain your speed and continue in the lane that will be closed. (B) Merge into an open lane smoothly, adjusting your speed to match the flow of traffic. (C) Slow down and be prepared to stop suddenly if necessary. (D) Honk your horn to warn other drivers of the lane closure.
Merge into an open lane smoothly, adjusting your speed to match the flow of traffic.

What should you do if you are driving behind an ambulance with its siren and flashing lights on and you are stopped at a red light.?

(A) Stay stopped at the red light and wait for the ambulance to pass. (B) Proceed cautiously through the intersection if there's no oncoming traffic. (C) Honk your horn to get the ambulance driver's attention. (D) Turn on your hazard lights and slowly follow the ambulance.
Stay stopped at the red light and wait for the ambulance to pass.

What does driving on a two-lane road and see a car approaching you in the opposite lane with its hazard lights flashing likely indicate?

(A) The car is preparing to turn left. (B) The car is experiencing a mechanical problem or hazard and may slow down or stop suddenly. (C) The car is signaling to you to slow down. (D) The car's driver is waving to greet you.
The car is experiencing a mechanical problem or hazard and may slow down or stop suddenly.

What does driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a rest area indicate?

(A) A designated area to stop, rest, and use washrooms. (B) A scenic viewpoint where you can pull over and take pictures. (C) An upcoming construction zone where you may need to stop. (D) An area where you can find gas stations and restaurants.
A designated area to stop, rest, and use washrooms.

You are driving behind a large truck on a two-lane highway. When is it safe to change lanes in front of the truck?

(A) When you can see the entire front of the truck in your rearview mirror. (B) When you can see the headlights of the truck in your side mirror. (C) Whenever there's a gap in traffic in the lane you want to change to. (D) It's never safe to change lanes in front of a large truck.
When you can see the headlights of the truck in your side mirror.

What does a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black symbol that reads "School Crossing" underneath likely mean?

(A) A school zone with a reduced speed limit is ahead. (B) A designated school crossing with flashing lights is coming up. (C) There may be children present crossing the road in this area, be extra vigilant. (D) School buses with flashing red lights will be used in this area.
There may be children present crossing the road in this area, be extra vigilant.

What should you do if you're driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a merging lane and the lane you're currently in has a solid white line separating it from the merging lane ?

(A) Maintain your speed and expect traffic to merge from the on-ramp. (B) Slow down slightly and be prepared to adjust your lane position if necessary to allow merging traffic. (C) Increase your speed to get ahead of merging traffic. (D) Change lanes to avoid the merging traffic.
Slow down slightly and be prepared to adjust your lane position if necessary to allow merging traffic.

What should you do if you're driving behind a car towing a trailer that suddenly swerves to avoid a pothole ?

(A) Slam on your brakes to avoid hitting the trailer. (B) Take your foot off the gas pedal slowly and maintain a safe following distance (C) Swerve to avoid the pothole as well, even if it means changing lanes. (D) Honk your horn to warn the driver in front of you.
Take your foot off the gas pedal slowly and maintain a safe following distance

How should you pass the cyclist if you're driving on a one-way street with a cyclist riding on the right side of the lane, close to parked cars ?

(A) Pass the cyclist closely to minimize the time spent next to them. (B) Change lanes if possible, maintaining a safe distance when passing the cyclist. (C) Honk your horn to warn the cyclist you are passing. (D) Slow down and wait for an opportunity to pass the cyclist safely when there are no parked cars.
Change lanes if possible, maintaining a safe distance when passing the cyclist.
Knowledge related to vehicle act/regulation

You're driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a carpool lane. What does this lane designation typically mean?

(A) t's reserved for vehicles with a specific number of passengers (usually 2 or more) (B) It's a high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane where solo drivers can pay a fee to use it. (C) It's a designated lane for electric vehicles only. (D) It's a lane for overtaking slower vehicles, regardless of the number of passengers.
t's reserved for vehicles with a specific number of passengers (usually 2 or more)

What should you do if you're approaching a yellow crosswalk with a pedestrian already halfway across?

(A) Continue driving at the same speed and proceed with caution if there's enough space. (B) Yield to the pedestrian and allow them to cross safely before proceeding. (C) Honk your horn to warn the pedestrian of your presence. (D) Slow down slightly but don't stop completely unless the pedestrian stops walking.
Yield to the pedestrian and allow them to cross safely before proceeding.

When is it generally safe to pass a motorcycle if you're driving behind a motorcycle on a two-lane highway with a wide shoulder?

(A) When there's oncoming traffic approaching in the opposite lane. (B) When you can see the entire front of the motorcycle in your rearview mirror. (C) Never, as it's unsafe to pass a motorcycle on a two-lane highway. (D) Anytime the motorcycle is not directly next to you in the lane.
Never, as it's unsafe to pass a motorcycle on a two-lane highway.

What does a sign with a picture of a traffic circle ahead indicate?

(A) A designated area to stop, rest, and use washrooms. (B) A circular intersection where traffic flows counter-clockwise and vehicles yield to those already in the circle. (C) An upcoming construction zone where you may need to stop (D) An area where you can find gas stations and restaurants.
A circular intersection where traffic flows counter-clockwise and vehicles yield to those already in the circle.

You're driving behind a car on a two-lane road and see a yellow "No Passing Zone" sign with diagonal lines painted on the center of the road. What should you do?

(A) Pass the car in front of you if there's oncoming traffic far enough away. (B) Maintain your speed and position behind the car. (C) Honk your horn to signal the car in front of you to move over. (D) Increase your following distance in case the car in front of you needs to stop suddenly.
Maintain your speed and position behind the car.

What should you do if a child suddenly darts out from between parked cars on your right while driving on a quiet residential street with parked cars on both sides of the road ?

(A) Swerve to avoid the child, even if it means going into the opposite lane. (B) Brake firmly and come to a complete stop to avoid hitting the child. (C) Honk your horn to scare the child back towards the curb. (D) Maintain your speed and hope the child moves out of the way.
Brake firmly and come to a complete stop to avoid hitting the child.

What does a sign with a picture of a car with a trailer likely indicate?

(A) A designated rest area for vehicles towing trailers. (B) A weight restriction zone for vehicles exceeding a certain weight (including trailers). (C) An upcoming construction zone where wide loads may be present. (D) A reminder to maintain a safe following distance from vehicles towing trailers.
A designated rest area for vehicles towing trailers.

What does a sign with a picture of a car with a diagonal red slash through it typically mean?

(A) This lane is closed for construction or maintenance. (B) This lane is reserved for high-occupancy vehicles (HOV lanes). (C) This lane is for exiting the highway only. (D) This lane is for entering the highway only.
This lane is reserved for high-occupancy vehicles (HOV lanes).

What should you do if you're driving on a quiet residential street and see a stop sign ahead partially obscured by tree branches ?

(A) Ignore the stop sign and proceed cautiously if there's no oncoming traffic. (B) Stop completely at the intersection, even if you can't see the entire stop sign. (C) Slow down slightly but don't stop completely unless there's oncoming traffic. (D) Honk your horn to warn other drivers of the obstructed stop sign.
Stop completely at the intersection, even if you can't see the entire stop sign.

What should you do if you're driving behind a car on a two-lane highway and see a sign with a picture of a deer crossing zone ahead and you also notice a large deer standing on the side of the road ?

(A) Maintain your speed and hope the deer stays on the shoulder. (B) Slow down significantly and be prepared to stop if the deer enters the road. (C) Honk your horn to scare the deer away from the roadside. (D) Increase your following distance from the car in front of you in case they brake suddenly.
Slow down significantly and be prepared to stop if the deer enters the road.

What should you do if you're driving on a multi-lane highway at night and see a car in the lane next to you with only its parking lights on (not headlights or taillights) ?

(A) Maintain your speed and proceed with caution, assuming it's a slow-moving vehicle. (B) Turn on your high beams to signal the problem to the other driver. (C) Slow down and turn on your headlights to improve visibility for both vehicles. (D) Change lanes to avoid the car with faulty lights.
Slow down and turn on your headlights to improve visibility for both vehicles.

What does a sign with a white diamond shape with a black downward-pointing arrow and "Lane Ends" written underneath typically mean?

(A) The lane you're currently in will become a turning lane or merge lane soon. (B) The lane you're currently in will be closed for construction or maintenance ahead. (C) You must change lanes immediately to avoid the ending lane. (D) This lane is designated for exiting the highway only.
The lane you're currently in will become a turning lane or merge lane soon.

What should you do if you're driving on a one-way street with a cyclist riding in the same direction as you, close to the curb and a parked car door suddenly opens in front of the cyclist ?

(A) Swerve into the oncoming lane to avoid the cyclist (if safe). (B) Brake firmly but smoothly to avoid hitting the cyclist or the car door. (C) Maintain your speed and hope the cyclist can avoid the car door. (D) Honk your horn to warn the cyclist of the danger.
Brake firmly but smoothly to avoid hitting the cyclist or the car door.

You're driving on a multi-lane highway and see a sign with a picture of a car with a downward arrow and "Left Lane Must Exit" written underneath. You're currently in the left lane. What should you do?

(A) Maintain your speed in the left lane and continue until the exit you need. (B) Change lanes safely to the right lane before the lane you're in ends. (C) Slow down significantly and prepare to stop if the lane becomes blocked. (D) Turn on your hazard lights and signal to other drivers that you need to change lanes.
Change lanes safely to the right lane before the lane you're in ends.

What does a sign with a white rectangle with a red border and a white diagonal down arrow inside typically mean?

(A) Do Not Enter sign (B) Yield sign (C) Merge lane sign (D) Stop sign
Do Not Enter sign

What should you do if you're driving on a quiet residential street with parked cars on both sides of the road and a ball rolls out into the street from between parked cars and a child chases after it. ?

(A) Maintain your speed and swerve to avoid the ball. (B) Brake firmly but smoothly and come to a complete stop to avoid hitting the child. (C) Honk your horn to scare the child back towards the curb. (D) Slow down slightly but continue driving if it seems like the child will get back in time.
Brake firmly but smoothly and come to a complete stop to avoid hitting the child.

What should you do if you're driving on a one-way street with a car parked illegally in the travel lane ahead ?

(A) Swerve into the oncoming lane to avoid the parked car (B) Slow down and proceed cautiously, leaving space between your car and the parked car. (C) Stop completely and wait for the parked car to move. (D) Honk your horn to signal the parked car driver that they are parked illegally.
Slow down and proceed cautiously, leaving space between your car and the parked car.

What does a sign with a picture of a snowflake likely indicate?

(A) A designated winter tire change area. (B) A weather advisory for slippery road conditions due to snow or ice. (C) A reminder to maintain a safe following distance during winter months. (D) An upcoming rest area with winter-friendly amenities.
A weather advisory for slippery road conditions due to snow or ice.

What should you do if you're driving on a quiet residential street with a stop sign ahead and There are parked cars on both sides of the intersection, obstructing your view of oncoming traffic ?

(A) Proceed cautiously into the intersection after coming to a complete stop (peeking if possible). (B) Ignore the stop sign and proceed slowly if you don't hear or see any oncoming traffic. (C) Stop a few meters before the stop sign to check for oncoming traffic and then proceed. (D) Honk your horn to signal your presence and slowly inch forward until you can see through the parked cars.
Proceed cautiously into the intersection after coming to a complete stop (peeking if possible).

What does a sign with a picture of a winding road ahead likely indicate?

(A) A designated scenic route with beautiful views. (B) A sharp curve or series of curves in the road ahead. (C) A construction zone with uneven pavement and potential traffic delays. (D) A high risk of encountering wildlife crossing the road.
A sharp curve or series of curves in the road ahead.
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