Important Questions with Answers

Province: All Provinces (CHANGE)
S.N. Question Answer
Knowledge related to driving

How close you are legally allowed to park to a fire hydrant?

(A) 3 meters (10 ft) (B) 5meters (16.4 ft) (C) 1 meters(3.2) (D) 10 meters(32.8 ft)
3 meters (10 ft)

You should change lane only by....

(A) only by giving proper signal and loking to ensure the safety and make the move (B) changing the lane immediately (C) just looking at the mirrors (D) blowing your horn
only by giving proper signal and loking to ensure the safety and make the move

Flashing blue lights are used on...

(A) an ambulance (B) a fire brigade (C) snow removal equipment (D) school bus
snow removal equipment

The straight two center lines on a road indicates,....

(A) pass only on daytime (B) you may never pass the lines (C) you may pass any time (D) you may pass if the way is clear
you may never pass the lines

In case of missing an express way exit, you should...

(A) make U turn (B) stop your veichle imidiately (C) go reverse until yo see the missed exit (D) go straight and take the next exit
go straight and take the next exit

If someone is tailgating you, you should?

(A) pull over and let the tailgater pass (B) move into another lane safely (C) slow down slightly to increase the gap (D) All of the above
All of the above

What should you use, while driving in aheavy fog?

(A) parking lights (B) low beam headlights and fog lamp (C) hogh beam headlights (D) hazard lights
low beam headlights and fog lamp

You should draive at a speed which will alllow you to..

(A) stop within a safe distance (B) stop within 90 meters (C) stop within 20 meters (D) stop within 2 meters
stop within a safe distance

Parking lights should be used

(A) every time (B) while driving (C) while parking (D) in emergency
while parking

When the veichle behind ries to overtake and pass your veichle, you must

(A) move to right and allow such veichle to pass (B) speed up (C) move to left and prevent the passing (D) signal not to pass
move to right and allow such veichle to pass

What should be done if your vehicle tiers blows out

(A) Take your foot above the gas peddle to slow down (B) Bring the vehicle to a stop off the road (C) Concentrate on steering (D) All of the above
All of the above

Snow tiers are preferrable for

(A) summer driving (B) all season driving (C) winter driving (D) spring and fall driving only
winter driving

What is a good safe-driving practice to follow when descending a steep hill?

(A) Gear down and allow the engine to assist in braking (B) Turn off the ignition (C) Place the gear shift in neutral (D) Disengage the clutch and coast
Gear down and allow the engine to assist in braking

When it is allowed to lend your license?

(A) Never (B) For identification purpose only (C) In emergencies (D) for only one day

When are you required to use headlights?

(A) Only at night (B) Only when it's raining (C) During the day (D) Half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise, and in poor visibility conditions
Half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise, and in poor visibility conditions

What should you do if a school bus is stopped with its red lights flashing?

(A) Pass with caution (B) Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing (C) Honk to alert the bus driver (D) Slow down and proceed
Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing

What should you do if you miss your exit on a freeway?

(A) Reverse and back up to the exit (B) Exit at the next ramp and backtrack (C) Pull over to the shoulder and wait for assistance (D) Stop in the middle of the freeway and wait for traffic to clear
Exit at the next ramp and backtrack

what should be done when approaching to the construction area

(A) watch for children (B) stop for 5 min (C) slow down slightly to increase the gap (D) speed up to get out of the area
speed up to get out of the area

what does the two second rule determine?

(A) how fast they can react to obstacles (B) how much gas will you save (C) how fast they are travelling (D) if they are following at a safe distance
if they are following at a safe distance

You are instructed to do what to do if, as you approach the intersection, you notice that the traffic signal is not functioning.

(A) yield to the traffic to the right (B) stop , see and go (C) treat it as a four way stop sign (D) Slow down and proceed
treat it as a four way stop sign

What should you do if you feel tired while driving

(A) drink coffee (B) stop and rest (C) drive faster to your destination (D) open windows to get the fresh air
drink coffee

What should a driver do where the highway has been divided into lanes for traffic

(A) Move from lane to lane with bursts of speed when passing (B) Never change lanes (C) Signal intention and move to other lanes only when it is safe to do so. (D) Straddle lanes and block following traffic
Signal intention and move to other lanes only when it is safe to do so.

You are driving on a two-way street and see a yellow flashing light ahead. What should you do?

(A) Slow down and proceed with caution. (B) Stop completely. (C) Speed up to pass through the intersection quickly. (D) Ignore the light.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

when driving in good weather conditions , what is the safest following distance on the highway ?

(A) One car length (B) Two car length (C) Three car length (D) Four car length
Three car length

for drivers in Ontario , what is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit

(A) 0.00% (B) 0.05% (C) 0.08% (D) There is no legal limit.

When should you use your light beams when driving at night

(A) Whenever possible (B) Only on well-lit roads (C) Only when passing other vehicles (D) Never

What should you do if you are involved in a collision?

(A) Leave the scene immediately. (B) Check for injuries and call 911 if necessary. (C) Exchange insurance information with the other driver and leave. (D) Wait for the police to arrive without checking on others involved.
Check for injuries and call 911 if necessary.

when diriving on a highway what is the safest way to change lanes?

(A) Signal, check your blind spot, and then change lanes. (B) Speed up to get ahead of traffic before changing lanes. (C) Change lanes without signaling or checking your mirrors. (D) Don't change lanes at all.
Signal, check your blind spot, and then change lanes.

What is the best way to avoid being distracted while driving?

(A) Text while stopped at a red light. (B) Put your phone away and focus on the road. (C) Eat a sandwich while driving. (D) Adjust the radio volume while driving.
Put your phone away and focus on the road.

what does it mean when you are driving on a one-way street with a solid yellow line in the center of the road?

(A) You can pass other vehicles on the left if it's safe. (B) You can park your car on the left side of the road. (C) You cannot cross the yellow line to pass other vehicles. (D) You can only turn left at the next intersection.
You cannot cross the yellow line to pass other vehicles.

At an intersection what should you do before making a left turn ?

(A) Slow down and signal your intention to turn. (B) Speed up to get ahead of other traffic. (C) Stop completely and then turn (D) Don't signal and turn quickly.
Slow down and signal your intention to turn.

You are driving behind a slow-moving vehicle, such as a farm tractor. What should you do?

(A) Increase your following distance. (B) Try to pass the vehicle as soon as possible. (C) Honk your horn to get the vehicle to move faster. (D) Follow the vehicle closely.
Increase your following distance.

On a two-way street what does a double solid yellow line mean?

(A) You can pass other vehicles with caution. (B) You can only turn left at the next intersection. (C) Passing is not allowed in either direction. (D) You can only park your car on the right side of the road.
Passing is not allowed in either direction.

What should you do when driving in winter conditions ?

(A) Drive at the same speed as you would in summer. (B) Increase your following distance and slow down. (C) Use your cruise control for better control. (D) Don't use your windshield wipers to avoid clearing snow.
Increase your following distance and slow down.

If you see a flashing blue light in your rearview mirror , what should you do ?

(A) Speed up to get out of the way. (B) Pull over to the right side of the road as soon as it's safe to do so. (C) Continue driving at the same speed. (D) Ignore the light and keep driving.
Pull over to the right side of the road as soon as it's safe to do so.

What is the most secure way to merge onto a highway?

(A) Match the speed of traffic on the highway before merging. (B) Slow down and merge behind slower vehicles. (C) Speed up to get ahead of traffic before merging. (D) Don't use your signal and merge forcefully.
Match the speed of traffic on the highway before merging.

What is the meaning of a stop sign?

(A) Slow down and proceed with caution. (B) Yield to oncoming traffic if necessary. (C) Come to a complete stop and check for traffic before proceeding. (D) You can stop briefly and then continue driving.
Come to a complete stop and check for traffic before proceeding.

What should you do if your car breaks down on a divided highway?

(A) Stay in your car and wait for help. (B) Try to fix the car yourself on the side of the road. (C) Get out of your car and wave for help. (D) Drive to the nearest exit.
Stay in your car and wait for help.

While driving for long distances , what is the best way to stay alert ?

(A) Listen to loud music. (B) Take breaks every two hours to stretch and rest. (C) Drink caffeinated beverages to stay awake. (D) Drive with the windows closed to avoid distractions.
Take breaks every two hours to stretch and rest.

What does flashing yellow lights on a crosswalk mean?

(A) Pedestrians have the right of way, proceed with caution. (B) You can speed up to get through the crosswalk before pedestrians. (C) You only need to yield to pedestrians if they are already in the crosswalk. (D) Crosswalks with flashing lights are not used in Ontario.
Pedestrians have the right of way, proceed with caution.

What is the speed limit when driving in a school zone?

(A) The posted speed limit. (B) 40 km/h when children are present, 80 km/h otherwise. (C) There is no specific speed limit in school zones. (D) You can drive at any speed as long as you are cautious.
40 km/h when children are present, 80 km/h otherwise.

If you see a stopped school bus with its red flashing lights on , what should you do ?

(A) Slow down and prepare to stop. (B) Change lanes and pass the bus carefully, if safe. (C) Continue driving at the same speed. (D) Honk your horn to alert the bus driver.
Honk your horn to alert the bus driver.

What is the correct way to make a left turn at a red light with a protected left-turn signal?

(A) Stop at the red light, then turn left immediately when the green arrow appears. (B) Stop at the red light, then turn left only after oncoming traffic has cleared. (C) Make a U-turn to avoid waiting for the left-turn signal. (D) Ignore the red light and turn left if it's safe.
Stop at the red light, then turn left immediately when the green arrow appears.

What is the meaning of a yield sign?

(A) Stop completely and then proceed. (B) Slow down and yield to oncoming traffic if necessary. (C) You can proceed without stopping, but be cautious. (D) Yield signs are not used in Ontario.
Slow down and yield to oncoming traffic if necessary.

Before changing lanes on a multi-lane road , what should you do ?

(A) Check your mirrors and blind spots for other vehicles. (B) Speed up to get ahead of traffic before changing lanes. (C) Don't signal and change lanes quickly. (D) Don't change lanes at all.
Check your mirrors and blind spots for other vehicles.

What is the most secure way to park your car on a hill?

(A) Turn your wheels away from the curb. (B) Leave your car in neutral. (C) Don't use the parking brake. (D) Park close to the edge of the road.
Turn your wheels away from the curb.

What should you do if you are driving behind a slow-moving vehicle with a flashing amber turn signal?

(A) Increase your following distance and be prepared for the vehicle to turn. (B) Try to pass the vehicle as soon as possible. (C) Honk your horn to get the vehicle to turn off its signal. (D) Follow the vehicle closely.
Increase your following distance and be prepared for the vehicle to turn.

What is the best way to avoid drowsy driving?

(A) Get a good night's sleep before driving. (B) Listen to loud music to stay awake. (C) Drink caffeinated beverages throughout your trip. (D) Roll down the windows to get fresh air.
Get a good night's sleep before driving.

What lane should you be in to exit the highway at the next exit if you are driving on a highway with two lanes in each direction?

(A) The left lane. (B) The right lane. (C) Any lane is acceptable. (D) It depends on the posted signs.
The right lane.

What does a flashing red light at a railway crossing mean?

(A) You can proceed cautiously after the train has passed. (B) Stop completely and wait for the train to pass. (C) Slow down and be prepared to stop. (D) The tracks are safe to cross.
Stop completely and wait for the train to pass.
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