Important Questions with Answers

Province: All Provinces (CHANGE)
S.N. Question Answer

What should you do if your car slides on a thin layer of water?

(A) Slam on the brakes. (B) Take your foot off the gas pedal and steer straight. (C) Swerve to avoid obstacles. (D) Increase your speed to regain traction.
Take your foot off the gas pedal and steer straight.

What is the best way to deal with road rage from another driver?

(A) Respond with gestures or insults. (B) Ignore the other driver and focus on the road. (C) Pull over to the side of the road if it's safe. (D) Flash your headlights to signal your anger.
Ignore the other driver and focus on the road.

On a two-way street what does a double solid white line mean?

(A) You can pass other vehicles with caution. (B) Passing is allowed in both directions. (C) Passing is not allowed in either direction. (D) You can only turn right at the next intersection.
Passing is not allowed in either direction.

If you are involved in a minor collision with no injuries , what should you do?

(A) Leave the scene of the accident. (B) Exchange insurance information with the other driver and file a report. (C) Continue driving without reporting the accident. (D) Call the police immediately, even if it's a minor collision.
Exchange insurance information with the other driver and file a report.

What is the meaning of a green traffic light with a yellow arrow ?

(A) The light is about to turn red, proceed with caution. (B) You can proceed straight or turn left. (C) You can only turn right. (D) The traffic light is malfunctioning.
The light is about to turn red, proceed with caution.

What is the most secure way to back up your car?

(A) Back up quickly to get out of the parking spot faster. (B) Use your mirrors only to check for obstacles. (C) Turn around in your seat and look behind you. (D) Check your mirrors and blind spots before backing up, and turn around to look over your shoulder if necessary.
Check your mirrors and blind spots before backing up, and turn around to look over your shoulder if necessary.

What is the meaning of a school crossing guard with a stop sign signal ?

(A) You can proceed cautiously after the children have crossed. (B) Stop completely and wait for the crossing guard to signal you to proceed. (C) Slow down and be prepared to stop. (D) School crossing guards are not used in Ontario.
Stop completely and wait for the crossing guard to signal you to proceed.

What is the maximum speed you can legally drive if you are driving on a highway with a posted speed limit of 100 km/h ?

(A) 80 km/h (B) 90 km/h (C) 100 km/h (D) There is no maximum speed limit on highways
100 km/h

What is the best way to handle a tire puncture while driving?

(A) Slam on the brakes and come to a complete stop immediately. (B) Hold the steering wheel firmly and take your foot off the gas pedal slowly. (C) Swerve to avoid obstacles in the road. (D) Increase your speed to regain control.
Hold the steering wheel firmly and take your foot off the gas pedal slowly.

What is the meaning of a solid white line on the right side of the road ?

(A) You can park your car on the right shoulder. (B) You cannot cross the line to pass other vehicles. (C) You can only turn right at the next intersection. (D) The lane is reserved for buses and emergency vehicles.
You can park your car on the right shoulder.

What is the safest following distance to maintain if you are driving behind a motorcycle?

(A) One car length (B) Two car length (C) Three car length (D) Four car length
Three car length

If you see flashing amber lights on a construction vehicle , what should you do ?

(A) Ignore the lights and continue driving at the same speed. (B) Slow down and proceed with caution, as there may be workers or equipment in the road. (C) Speed up to get through the construction zone quickly. (D) Change lanes to avoid the construction zone.
Slow down and proceed with caution, as there may be workers or equipment in the road.

In Ontario , what is the legal limit for open containers of alcohol in a vehicle ?

(A) No open containers are allowed, regardless of whether they are full or empty. (B) Open containers are allowed in the trunk of the car. (C) Open containers are allowed for passengers over 19 years old. (D) There is no specific law regarding open containers.
No open containers are allowed, regardless of whether they are full or empty.

What is the meaning of a stop sign with a red octagonal shape ?

(A) It's a four-way stop sign, all vehicles must come to a complete stop. (B) You can slow down and proceed with caution if no other vehicles are present. (C) It's a school zone stop sign, stop completely when children are present. (D) Stop signs with octagonal shapes are not used in Ontario.
It's a four-way stop sign, all vehicles must come to a complete stop.

Before merging onto a highway from an on-ramp , what should you do ?

(A) Match the speed of traffic on the highway before merging. (B) Stop completely at the end of the on-ramp before merging. (C) Yield to traffic on the highway but don't come to a complete stop. (D) Don't use your signal and merge forcefully.
Match the speed of traffic on the highway before merging.

What is separated by a divided highway with a center median ?

(A) Oncoming traffic from opposite directions. (B) Lanes for entering and exiting the highway. (C) Lanes for slow-moving vehicles and high-speed traffic. (D) It separates highways with different speed limits.
Oncoming traffic from opposite directions.

What should you do if you are driving at night and see a car approaching with only one headlight on?

(A) Flash your headlights to signal the problem. (B) Ignore it and continue driving. (C) Speed up to get past the vehicle quickly. (D) Turn off one of your headlights to match them.
Flash your headlights to signal the problem.

What is the meaning of a solid red line painted across a lane at an intersection ?

(A) You can turn right on red if it's safe. (B) You can stop briefly and then proceed when the light turns green. (C) You cannot cross the line at any time. (D) You can yield to oncoming traffic and proceed with caution.
You cannot cross the line at any time.

If your car starts to skid , what should you do?

(A) Slam on the brakes and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. (B) Take your foot off the gas pedal and coast to a stop. (C) Pump the brakes repeatedly. (D) Turn the steering wheel sharply in the opposite direction of the skid.
Slam on the brakes and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

What should you do if you are driving in heavy fog?

(A) Maintain your speed and use your high beams. (B) Turn on your hazard lights and slow down considerably. (C) Follow closely behind the car in front of you for guidance. (D) Increase your following distance and use your fog lights if equipped.
Turn on your hazard lights and slow down considerably.

How to avoid getting carjacked?

(A) Leave your car unlocked with valuables in plain sight. (B) Park in well-lit areas and be aware of your surroundings. (C) Roll down your windows slightly when stopped at red lights. (D) Don't stop your car for anyone you don't know.
Park in well-lit areas and be aware of your surroundings.

What is the meaning of a yellow caution light on a traffic signal ?

(A) The light is about to turn red, proceed with caution. (B) You can proceed straight or turn left. (C) You can only turn right. (D) The traffic signal is malfunctioning.
The light is about to turn red, proceed with caution.

What should you do , are driving on a two-lane road with a car stopped in the left lane to turn left ?

(A) Slow down and prepare to stop if necessary. (B) Speed up and pass the car on the right shoulder. (C) Honk your horn to signal your impatience. (D) Change lanes to the right and continue driving at the same speed.
Slow down and prepare to stop if necessary.

What is the most secure way to change lanes on a multi-lane highway at night?

(A) Don't use your signal and change lanes quickly. (B) Check your mirrors and blind spots, then use your turn signal before changing lanes. (C) Flash your headlights to signal your intention to change lanes. (D) Rely solely on your mirrors to check for other vehicles.
Check your mirrors and blind spots, then use your turn signal before changing lanes.

What is the meaning of a pedestrian crossing signal with a flashing red hand symbol ?

(A) Pedestrians have the right of way, proceed with caution. (B) You can speed up to get through the crosswalk before pedestrians. (C) You only need to yield to pedestrians if they are already in the crosswalk. (D) Pedestrian crossing signals are not used in Ontario.
Pedestrians have the right of way, proceed with caution.

What should you do to avoid being in the blind spot of a large truck that is ahead of you?

(A) Follow the truck closely to avoid other vehicles passing you. (B) Increase your following distance significantly. (C) Stay directly behind the truck to avoid unexpected lane changes. (D) Try to pass the truck as soon as possible.
Increase your following distance significantly.

You are driving on a two-way street with a solid yellow line in the center and a broken yellow line on your side. What does this mean?

(A) You can pass other vehicles on the left if it's safe. (B) You cannot cross the solid yellow line to pass other vehicles, but you can pass when the broken yellow line is on your side. (C) You cannot pass other vehicles at all. (D) The broken yellow line indicates a lane reserved for turning vehicles.
You can pass other vehicles on the left if it's safe.

What is the best way to deal with a car following you too closely?

(A) Brake suddenly to teach them a lesson. (B) Maintain your speed and gradually increase your following distance from the car in front of you. (C) Swerve slightly to scare the driver behind you. (D) Turn on your hazard lights and pull over to the side of the road if it's safe.
Maintain your speed and gradually increase your following distance from the car in front of you.

What should be done by you before making a right turn at a red light with a green right-turn arrow?

(A) Come to a complete stop and then turn right when the green arrow appears. (B) Slow down but don't come to a complete stop, and turn right when it's safe. (C) You don't need to stop at a red light with a green right-turn arrow. (D) Ignore the green arrow and wait for the regular traffic light to turn green.
Come to a complete stop and then turn right when the green arrow appears.

What should you do if you are driving behind a car with a disability placard displayed?

(A) Ignore the placard and continue driving as usual. (B) Be patient and allow extra space for the vehicle to park or maneuver. (C) Honk your horn to signal your impatience. (D) Park close behind the vehicle to prevent others from parking in the same spot.
Be patient and allow extra space for the vehicle to park or maneuver.

You see a stopped ambulance with its flashing red lights on?What should you do ?

(A) Continue driving at the same speed. (B) Pull over to the side of the road as far away from the ambulance as possible. (C) Slow down and proceed with caution. (D) Honk your horn to alert the ambulance driver.
Pull over to the side of the road as far away from the ambulance as possible.

What is the most secure way to enter a roundabout?

(A) Slow down and yield to traffic already in the roundabout. (B) Speed up to get through the roundabout quickly. (C) Stop completely before entering the roundabout. (D) Use your hazard lights to signal your intention to enter.
Slow down and yield to traffic already in the roundabout.

You are driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a deer. What does this mean?

(A) There are deer crossing zones ahead, be aware of wildlife. (B) The speed limit is reduced due to construction work. (C) You are approaching a rest area. (D) The next exit leads to a wildlife park.
There are deer crossing zones ahead, be aware of wildlife.

You are involved in a collision with property damage only (no injuries).What should you do?

(A) Leave the scene of the accident. (B) Exchange contact information with the other driver and file a police report if the damage is significant. (C) Continue driving without reporting the accident. (D) Call the police immediately, regardless of the damage amount.
Exchange contact information with the other driver and file a police report if the damage is significant.

What is the meaning of a yield sign with a downward pointing arrow ?

(A) You must come to a complete stop and yield to oncoming traffic. (B) You have the right of way, but proceed with caution if there is oncoming traffic. (C) You must yield to traffic entering the road from a side street or driveway. (D) Yield signs with arrows are not used in Ontario.
You have the right of way, but proceed with caution if there is oncoming traffic.

What should be done by you if you are driving behind a school bus with its red flashing lights off and the stop sign retracted?

(A) Slow down and prepare to stop, children may be getting on or off the bus. (B) Continue driving at the same speed. (C) Honk your horn to alert the bus driver. (D) Pass the bus carefully if it's safe.
Slow down and prepare to stop, children may be getting on or off the bus.

If you are driving on a multi-lane road , what lane should you be in to make a left turn at the next intersection ?

(A) Any lane is acceptable. (B) The far left lane. (C) The lane closest to the median. (D) It depends on the posted signs.
The far left lane.

What is the meaning of a flashing blue light on a tow truck ?

(A) You can proceed at the posted speed limit. (B) Slow down and proceed with caution, there may be a disabled vehicle or workers on the side of the road. (C) Pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible. (D) Ignore the light and continue driving.
Slow down and proceed with caution, there may be a disabled vehicle or workers on the side of the road.

What should you do before proceeding on a one-way street with a stop sign?

(A) Come to a complete stop and check for traffic in both directions before proceeding. (B) Slow down but don't come to a complete stop, and proceed when it's safe. (C) You don't need to stop at a stop sign on a one-way street. (D) Stop briefly and then turn right if it's safe.
Come to a complete stop and check for traffic in both directions before proceeding.

If your car breaks down on the highway shoulder at night , what should you do ?

(A) Leave your car on the shoulder and wait for help. (B) Turn on your hazard lights, exit your car carefully, and stand away from traffic on the side of the road. (C) Try to fix your car yourself on the side of the road. (D) Continue driving slowly to the nearest exit.
Turn on your hazard lights, exit your car carefully, and stand away from traffic on the side of the road.

What should you do if you are driving in heavy rain and visibility is reduced?

(A) Maintain your speed and use your high beams for better visibility. (B) Turn on your hazard lights and slow down considerably, increasing following distance. (C) Use your windshield wipers on the highest setting. (D) Follow closely behind the car in front of you for guidance.
Turn on your hazard lights and slow down considerably, increasing following distance.

What is the meaning of a blue pentagon-shaped sign with a white symbol ?

(A) Warning sign, indicating a potential hazard ahead. (B) Regulatory sign, informing drivers of speed limits or parking restrictions. (C) Guide sign, providing directions to specific locations. (D) Information sign, offering helpful information for drivers.
Warning sign, indicating a potential hazard ahead.

What should you do if you approach a crosswalk with a pedestrian waiting to cross?

(A) Continue driving at the same speed. (B) Come to a complete stop and yield to the pedestrian before proceeding. (C) Slow down but don't stop completely, and proceed with caution if the pedestrian is not yet crossing. (D) Honk your horn to signal the pedestrian to wait.
Come to a complete stop and yield to the pedestrian before proceeding.

How can one prevent distracted driving?

(A) Talk on the phone using a hands-free device. (B) Eat or drink while driving. (C) Adjust the radio or climate controls while looking away from the road. (D) Put your phone away, avoid multitasking, and focus on the road ahead.
Put your phone away, avoid multitasking, and focus on the road ahead.

What should you do if you see a car approaching you with its high beams on?

(A) Flash your high beams briefly to signal them to turn off theirs. (B) Ignore them and continue driving. (C) Turn on your hazard lights and slow down. (D) Look away from the oncoming headlights to avoid glare.
Flash your high beams briefly to signal them to turn off theirs.

Before changing lanes on a two-lane highway with a blind spot ,what should you do ?

(A) Don't use your signal and change lanes quickly. (B) Check your mirrors and blind spots using a shoulder check, then signal your intention to change lanes. (C) Rely solely on your mirrors to check for other vehicles. (D) Flash your headlights several times to signal your intention to change lanes.
Check your mirrors and blind spots using a shoulder check, then signal your intention to change lanes.

What is the meaning of a stop sign with a white border with school crossing times underneath ?

(A) You only need to stop completely during the posted school crossing times. (B) This is a four-way stop sign regardless of school crossing times. (C) Stop completely when children are present, regardless of the time. (D) School crossing signs are not used with stop signs in Ontario.
You only need to stop completely during the posted school crossing times.

What should you do if you are driving on a highway and see a sign with a picture of a merging lane?

(A) Maintain your speed and expect traffic to merge from the on-ramp. (B) Slow down and allow merging traffic to enter the highway safely. (C) Speed up to get ahead of merging traffic. (D) Change lanes to avoid the merging traffic.
Maintain your speed and expect traffic to merge from the on-ramp.

What should you do if you're driving at night and come across a dark, unlit intersection with no traffic signals?

(A) Proceed cautiously at a slow speed, treating it as a four-way stop. (B) Maintain your speed and assume other drivers will yield. (C) Flash your headlights to signal your presence. (D) Honk your horn before entering the intersection.
Proceed cautiously at a slow speed, treating it as a four-way stop.

What should you do if you are driving behind an ambulance with its siren on?

(A) Continue driving at the same speed. (B) Pull over to the side of the road as far left as possible and stop to let the ambulance pass. (C) Slow down but don't stop completely. (D) Speed up to get out of the way of the ambulance.
Pull over to the side of the road as far left as possible and stop to let the ambulance pass.
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